Las Reliquias de Tolti Aph

An interactive fiction by Graham Nelson (2005) - the Inform 7 source text

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Section 3(b) - Armamento

A weapon is a kind of thing. A weapon has a die roll called hit dice. Definition: A weapon is savage if its hit dice are 3d6 or more. A weapon has a text called technique. The technique of a weapon is usually "oscilante". Some kinds of weapon are defined by the Table of Weaponry.[1] Weapons are usually metal. A lanza corta is madera. A báculo is madera. A lanza larga is madera.

After printing the name of a weapon while taking inventory: say " (ataque de [hit dice])". Instead of examining a weapon, say "[The noun] es un arma con ataque de [hit dice of the noun]."

A weapon has a number called the to-hit bonus.

Table of Weaponry
name   hit dice   technique
daga   1d3   "apuñalando con"
báculo   1d6   "oscilando"
hacha de batalla   1d8   "atacando con"
espada corta   1d6   "oscilando"
espada ancha   2d4   "oscilando"
lanza corta   1d6   "arremetiendo con"
lanza larga   1d8+1   "arremetiendo con"


Understand "baculo" or "vara" as a báculo.

The daga is female. The espada corta is female. The espada ancha is female.
The lanza corta is female. The lanza larga is female.

Rule for printing the plural name of the lanza corta: say "lanzas cortas" instead.
Rule for printing the plural name of the lanza larga: say "lanzas largas" instead.


[1]. Esta sentencia aparentemente inocente hace algo realmente sofisticado: contruye una nueva clase por cada fila de la tabla.

[2]. NT: Nombres originales de las armas: dagger, quarterstaff, battle axe, short sword, broad sword, spear, lance.